my late august garden

My garden is out of control! It's mostly due to the fact that we have had tons of rain here in Jersey the past week or so and I have also not paid much attention to it due to a newborn around these parts. Yesterday I noticed my first lime green zinnia flower that I had planted seeds for back in May. It's a bitter sweet feeling because I know once my zinnia's are up and blooming, summer is nearing it's end and fall is just around the corner.
Check out my canna's too. They are monstrous! My husband's coworker gave us lots of bulbs from her garden and I planted them around my hanging baskets thinking they would be the normal canna size but these are at least a crazy 8 feet tall. They are gorgeous though and I love the patterns on the leaves.

How does your garden grow as summer is winding down?


  1. Beautiful! I love that first photo

  2. I really appreciate nature! Artificial gardens development makes the earth hopeful to live in......i like these gardens.Thanks for sharing..
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