container flower gardens

a whirl wind of a planting season it's been! It was full of rain, rain and more rain for two weeks. We ended up having to plant in the rain anyways which makes an awful big muddy mess to clean up, but I am glad we did it then because we've hit hot and sticky summer weather full force now! Here are some photos of Fresh Art Planting's container flower gardens this year. Imagine how full and luscious these designs will each be when they grown in!

maiden grass, dwarf sunflowers, rust sweet potato vine, marigolds and petunias

white mandevilla vine trellis, coral geranium, purple petunia, purple verbena and little white globe flowers

lantana topiary trees, bi color caladium, dusty miller, purple petunias, marigolds, fern, rust sweet potato vine

strawberry pots of coral hibiscus, creeping jenny, and assorted succulents

lavender duranta topiaries, regal geraniums, red spider begonia, purple petunias, lime sweet potato vine, english ivy and wandering jew

I am working on a "how to" post for this season so come back and see! Until then you can check out last years here.


  1. Oh my these images have me dreaming, no place would be better than that right now. I can almost see myself there.

  2. Come to my new house! I could use some container plantings! Those houses and photos are awesome!


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