moss comfort garden

If you like moss, think you'll like the new designs I have been working on. Moss comfort garden. Each are designed with preserved moss and faux moss cobbles nestled into a vintage leaf shaped wooden bowl. Remember the post of my vintage wooden bowl collection? This is what I've made with them! They are now available here in the shop.


  1. I do LOVE moss- and these are divine!

  2. i've always loved moss, ever since i was a kid and saw how the green stuff hugged rocks and sides of trees. there was just something fresh about it. to be able to have them in such wonderful arrangement in my house would be icing on the cake!

  3. Ok, I only like moss in the forests, never thought the would look so cute and adorable in a flower arrangement. Well, I live in the caribbean and unless you're visiting the tropical forest here in the island, you have no chance of finding any moss around. It is beautiful what you have done with it. From Puerto Rico with love, a Lady blogger, Alexandra!


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